International First Growths selects, promotes, and supports the finest wines and wine producers through the ultra-premium international marketplace of La Place de Bordeaux.

“La Place” is one of the oldest and advanced wine distribution networks in the world, is designed to facilitate the sale of wine between producers, négociants, and markets globally.


With a permanent presence on La Place and within its powerful négociant network, International First Growths acts as a primary filter of producer and négociant objectives, refining goals as markets evolve. 

This allows a producer or wine icon to tailor their approach to their goals and meet shared objectives in constant tension with the market, and ultimately succeeding in the ultra-fine wine area.

Strategic Insight

International First Growths is uniquely positioned to help both producer and négociant navigate La Place and International wines respectively, providing producers with the strategic insight and drive they need to succeed.

Through years of experience in the international wine market and working with La Place, International First Growths ultimately support producers deliver recognition to  their brand owner, and growing sales internationally.

Expanding Markets & Focus

By building on domestic market recognition or enhancing an existing international footprint, International First Growths is here to facilitate a producer’s expansion through critic exposure, and broader markets and channels.

International First Growths provides access to market and channel opportunities that are well managed, allowing producers to further focus and advance the quality of their product. 

Brand Recognition

Easily overlooked, the building and positioning of a producer’s brand is paramount to their performance on the international market. International First Growths is experienced in this space, finding both the right partner and best critic partners that align to brand objectives. 

Working in the ultra-premium wine space, brand is everything and International First growths is here to position a wine for recognition and sales results